Monday, March 14, 2011

The Coleman Product- Personal Documentation

The Team (Jacks)
  1. Me
  2. Cindy
  3. Rachel
  4. Ian
  5. Ben
  6. Julia
  7. Chris
This project was very fun, but there was also some technical difficulties. One of the problems that came up for me personally was trying to get down to campus on time for our meetings because I commute. I felt that I did help with the powerpoint presentation and the layout and helped Rachel who did the finishing touches on presentation. I did feel bad for Julia who did the modeling on the pots with the rendering program. I am hoping that I will learn how to use that program. As for Ben, Chris, and Ian they killed bringing up ideas and also helping with the design of the logos and working their magic on photoshop!!!
Overall I loved my group and thought that our presentation when smoothly..even though I got nervous getting in front of the class...(I dont know why I got nervous)..
The use of dropbox was very efficient especially because things were able to e updated and could be viewed from anywhere. I loved that we were able to express our opinions and didnt even have to be in person. I will definitely be using Dropbox on any other group projects!

Last But Not Least, The Final CR

What I liked about Design 200: 
  • Design 200 has been a wonderful experience and I absolutely LOVED this course.
  • I was able to explore other outlets of creativity and gain insight from others with their opinions and build upon that.
  • I absolutely thought that the learning environment was very cool.
  • I am really thinking about pursuing some deeper within the design field
What I didnt Like about Design 200:
  • I didnt really care for Cradle 2 Cradle (sorry)
  • other than that the lecture about chairs...(thats it, everything else I loved)

Monday, February 28, 2011

Context & Futures

In this chapter, titled "Context". Hekett explains how there is a difference in the levels of fuctionality within organizations in which designers expand. He also stated that as time evolves the techniques in which we use will change and will broaden the horizon of the ideas of design. This chapter was very short but got right to the point. We, as designers, have to always be thinking of that horizon and new ideas. The thought and process of how things works lie in our hands. The functionality of people are defined and are affected by the things around them.
In chapter 10, which is titled "Futures", Heskett goes about explaining his how he had two themes that reocurred throughout the book..and those were the extent of variations in design practie, and the also how it is being affected by the changes in technology, markets, and cultures. Heskett, has shown a new way of thinking about the world around me..and I enjoyed this book.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Cobego...Alphabeth Hide and Seek

Overall, I like the presention by Cobego. It got me thinking about how I can become more creative and also started thinking about what kind of career I want to persue. But after a lot of consideration I feel that I would like to get into the visual and interaction design. I feel that I need more exploration and other ways to express my creativity. When we did the pasta and marshmallow structure it was nice to interact with others and to also think together.

Reading Reflection Chapter 4-6

In the natural world, systems replenish each other, as with the cherry tree. It is a cradle-to-cradle model, because even when things die, they provide a clean, natural environment for new life. Early nomads and early agriculture follow a similar model. Certain cultures, such as Rome, turn away from this model and deplete the landscape with tree-felling and nonsustaining agriculture. The same things happen when great cities arise in America, when the surrounding farmlands are depleted. Soon "nutrients," such as food and other raw materials, become transferred from localities instead of remaining local. Agriculture becomes industrialized, but this threatens the soil as well as adding toxins to the local environments. Onto Repecting Diversity, this chapter begins with an imagining of the beginnings of life on earth. The result is an abundant diversity. Modern design, architecture and landscape flatten this concept into "one size fits all," using the same structures and plants throughout the country. The authors call this devolution. They wish to encourage diversity. They suggest that things that are most fit for their situation will survive. Thinking about ants, there are thousands of different species, each suited to its environment. The relationships between organisms keep them thriving because living things are interdependent. The oxygen cycle is one good example and the water cycle is another. Ants make the soil fit for growing things. Trees cool and replenish the planet.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Letterform Seek & Find

I actually loved this project...even though it was bitter cold and I was sick I still managed to be creative. Check them out!!
